Monday, March 30, 2009

Choir Festival Games

1. The Fashion Show Game: Pick out the director with the most fashion sense!
Variations: Pick the director with no career in fashion design! Pick the girl in each choir who seems to fit her dress the best! (Don't worry if none of them do, losing the game usually has no consequences).

2. The "Find Your Doppleganger Game": Find the girl in a choir who looks the most like you!
Variations: Find the girl in a choir who looks the most like someone you know (or don't know)! (I swear I just saw a male version of Kate Winslet...)

3. The "See How Long you can Stay Awake" Game: Count how many songs you can sit through without nodding off! 1 - Don't worry, we're all human. 2 - So you have some musical appreciation, good for you. 3 - Maybe you just had an extra cup of coffee this morning. 4 - We'll make an appointment with your doctor. They can prescribe some sleeping pills. 5+ - There's something seriously wrong... or you're thinking of bieng a music major... but there's still something seriously wrong.

(Music majors, don't take offense. I mean this all in good fun.)

Signing off,

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