Friday, May 8, 2009

Updates, Disappointments and Promises that I May or May Not Keep

Today is amazing. I actually have nothing to do tonight; it's fantastic. So here is my goal for the next couple days: Actually catch up on the interesting stuff that's happened in my life... I'll start posting stuff about Cuba and LA and other shtuff.

Today, my choir teacher ditched school to go meet Adam Lambert at Mount Carmel High School... He was her former student and she won't shut up about him. I have nothing against him, I've just never really watched American Idol... Anyways, I find it kind of cool and kind of funny. Maybe I'll watch part of the last episodes...

Two days ago, Cassandra and I had tickets to see a pre-screening of Star Trek. We stood in line for two hours and we were literally twenty people from the front of the line when they came out and told us that the seats were full. It was... extremely disappointing, to put it lightly.

Anyways, I was surprised that nobody was really dressed up for the occasion... There was a huge line behind us but they all looked like normal, non-trekkie people. ;)

So I intend on seeing that sometime this weekend...

Well, adios for now, amigos!

1 comment:

  1. That was fun times, though. And there were definitely Trekkies all decked out last night. xD

    Also, if you see that on a day not-Saturday, I will *gladly* see it again because it is SO FUCKING GOOD.
